When it comes to online business, you constantly need to be writing new marketing content such as blog posts, e-mails, follow ups, sales letters, squeeze pages, etc. With video it is no different. But do you understand your customer’s problems better than they know it themselves?
People don’t just want to be understood, they want to know and feel that you actually understand them, care about them and are able to help them. It’s the “what’s in it for me” concept. They won’t watch your videos if you don’t have the right video marketing mindset.
What Does Mindset Really Mean?
According to dictionary.com here is the meaning:
mind-set [mahynd-set]
1. an attitude, disposition or mood.
2. an intention or inclination.
Take a Look at Attitude
What is your attitude towards Video Marketing? Is it positive or negative? If you have a positive attitude, that is excellent. If not, do you know why?
Here are some options:
- Is it that you don’t like to be on camera?
- You don’t think video marketing works.
- You think it is too hard.
- You think it is too expensive
- All of the above and much more…:)
If you have any of these concerns I recommend you watch this video below where you will also learn how to have the right video marketing mindset. Watch it now:
Click here to have access to the video training
What About The Mood?
If you are not in a good mood for whatever reason, don’t do the video just because that’s in your to-do list. Do something to get over your “bad mood” and then do it!
One word of caution, don’t make your BAD MOOD to be an EXCUSE for not doing videos.
Now we got to the most important part of the video marketing mindset.
Intention or Inclination
With video marketing or any marketing for that matter your only intention should be to make the people’s life better by sharing valuable content, products and services.
You are a personal trainer and you are doing a video titled “3 tips lose weight”
Your intention here is to give what you’ve promised. Put your heart and soul to this video to educate your viewer. Your viewer should be able to get results just by putting what you shared to practice.
Now, you may be thinking..
What about the products, services, courses you were going to sell?
Yes, you have a point. We are marketing.
When you establish yourself as an authority in your niche, they will come back to you for more, share your content, recommend you to their contacts, etc.
That is priceless.
Please don’t get me wrong, you can ask your audience to buy your products and services. There is nothing wrong with that. Only thing is..
You need to earn the right to ask by giving valuable content first.
And with that said…
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